Saturday, October 15, 2011

This Face Good MONEY!!!

Uh, wait, that can't be the right picture, anyway, pending the posting of a more proper picture of myself, welcome to Mr. Sam's blog!

What is Mr, Sam's blog? Gosh! you didn't know? well, *cough* if you MUST know, it is a one-stop reference centre for all accounting/finance wannabes and students. If you came here because you are one of my students, GOOD! This blog will help you much in your studies. If you came here because one of your friends recommended it to you, again, GOOD! This blog will help you in your financial life. If you came here googling for 'hot studs', GOOD for you, for I am as HOT as they get! Nyarh!

Alright, I've beat around the bush enough! This blog is mainly intended to distribute relevant financial and accounting information to my students who are too lazy to use SPECTRUM. However, you will find more than just boring lesson-related stuff, you will also find useful financial information, money-saving tips and dumbed-down, honest-to-goodness opinion pieces (by ME!) on current financial and accounting issues.

I realise that not everyone is a financial whiz and not everyone is a godly accountant, therefore this blog also aims to reach out to the un-financially educated masses and deliver sound financial advice in simplistic terms so that we normal people don't have to fork over $400 an hour to some snotty, foreign educated young brat who drives a BMW to tell you how to open a savings account!

Lets face it, the Economy is going to heck, the world is still reeling from the Global Financial Crisis and our beloved subisidies are getting cut left and right. The average Malaysian (and/or international citizen, wherever you are from) needs to know how to make sense of his/her financials to survive.

Oh right, I forgot to make introductions, My Name is Samir Harith, small-time Awesome Tutor of financial subjects in a Malaysian University (my students should know where). My students know me simply as 'Mr. Sam'. I love numbers, I love counting and I LOVE money (hey, who doesn't?). You will enjoy what you read in this blog, and you will gain a lot of useful financial knowledge and nformation from this blog. With it, I hope that you can make sense of your own financials and use it to make good money!

Oh, yes, this is the right picture:

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